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Building a brand is hard. Finding the right strategic support with the right amount of experience at the right cost shouldn’t be.

Local Boy is a boutique brand storytelling agency filling the need for creative leadership & content execution. We deploy our seasoned expertise to formulate marketing frameworks that deliver long-term, strategic value; leverage innovative approaches that accelerate business results; and provide next level ideation to achieve business goals.


Simply put, we help small & medium sized brands
(and some large ones too!) bring their stories to life!

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A cohesive storytelling framework is the foundation to a strong marketing strategy that connects with audiences and delivers true success. It provides depth and value that moves you from looking cookie-cutter towards a unique proposition that keeps you top of mind with people needing your solution.

No matter how amazing your product or service is, how much your audience needs what you provide, or how much money you throw at promotion, to get beyond a short-term spike in interest you have to make an emotional connection.

That’s what storytelling does.

Everyone can relate to a story… across age groups, genders, cultures, & geographies. And in today’s crowded marketplace, a well-told story makes you memorable and helps you cut through the noise.


LOCAL BOY is prepared to support your strategy, creative & storytelling needs in the best way possible for your brand:

We love being the fuel for the fire! Our typical clients are…

  • Organizations that have an existing marketing team that needs executive level guidance, perspective, and leadership

  • CEOs, CMOs and VPs of Marketing who would like an outside perspective on their business and marketing strategies & approaches

  • Companies that need creative leadership now while they are on the hunt for their next VP Marketing or CMO

  • Entrepreneurs or business leaders in need of social and digital know-how

  • Companies that have been operating for a while but haven’t really had time to flesh out their identity or accelerating their growth

We also work with non-profit and faith-based organizations. Find out more here.